Earning Luck: Google Adsense
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Google Adsense

Two Simple Steps to Making Money with AdSense:

Making money with AdSense is a very simple procedure. What it involves is you having a website, registering with Google’s AdSense program, getting the AdSense code from Google and pasting it into your website. Google lets you choose special features such as color and size so that the AdSense ad fits right in with your website look.

The first stumbling block might me knowing enough about web design to include the AdSense ad but usually a person knows enough about web design and have done their own website or they have hired someone to do it for them. If you know enough to build your own website, then AdSense will not be a challenge. If you don’t know enough you have hired someone to build a web site then you just give the code to the person who build it for you and tell him or her where you want it placed.

When visitors visit your website they see the Google Ads the AdSense code displays. These ads relate to the topic of your web page. It’s clever but the code “reads” your page, sees what the main topic is and pulls in ads related to that topic. In other words, the ads sense the topic of the page. Hence the name, AdSense. You get paid when someone clicks on one of your AdSense ads.

Here is something you need to know. You cannot click on your own ads. Oh, if you click on one or two it might not hurt, but if you click on your own AdSense ads, it looks like you are trying to cheat the system and you can easily be banned from AdSense. Google is very careful about protecting its advertisers and they don’t want people wasting advertisers’ money with fake clicks.

This sounds very easy. Well, there is one small problem and that is – to get clicks on your AdSense ads, you need traffic to your website. The more page impressions you have, the more chance you have of people clicking on your ads. AdSense looks at what it calls Click Through Rate (CTR). CTR is the number of clicks an ad gets divided by the total number of ad unit impressions the ad got. If you have 10 ad impressions, that means the ad showed up 10 times to viewers which means that these 10 people visited your site. If one person clicked on an AdSense ad, then your CTR is 1/10 or 10%. Also you get paid for one click – which could mean four cents or four dollars depending on the cost of the ad to the advertiser.

The pressure is on you to carry out two simple steps – step one is to pull people to your website and step two is to have content on your website that will make people want to stay and look around. If they do not look around, they will not see your AdSense ads and if they do not see them, they will not click on them and you will make no money from AdSense.

While this is a basic introduction to AdSense, the information here really is all you need to succeed with AdSense. Build your site, add Google Ads, draw traffic, and cash your Google AdSense check.


Earning Through Google Adsense  – A Real Story


A Website or Blog?

One of the best ways to make money online is to create a website or blog which allows you to earn money from the display of advertisements or the sale of products and services.

The website should have an interesting topic. It can be related to Cooking, Fashion, Astrology, Buying & Selling, technology News, immigration information, travel guide etc.

There are many different types of money making blogs which will help you to make money and you’ll need to pick a model that suits your interests, schedule and skill levels. Best option is Google Adsense Program. If you have some problems in setup of website.

Step # Register with Google Adsense

Your Earning depends upon the visitors on your website. You must provide a good content for your visitors. You must advertise your website properly in order to earn good money.

If you have 500 unique visitors per day , you can earn upto $5 to $7 per day. The total income will be $150 to $200 per month. It all depends upon your website content and its visitors. You must try to attract more than 1000 visitors per day if you want good money.

Basically, what it translates to is that if a large proportion of your site's visitors click the ads you'll be making more money. And the best way to do this is to have some popular content in your site, ensuring the links direct users towards popular items as well.

Basic Requirements to Apply a Google AdSense Account

Untill 2010, it was extremely easy to get approved by Google. But now the Terms & Conditions are really very tough in order to get approval from Google to Earn Money Online. Following are few steps which you should follow in order to get approval.
Your Domain name should be your own and Registered on your own name. No sub domains, BlogSpot or free domains.

Your domain name at least 6 months old before applying for Google AdSense.
Your Domain must have Original Contents. Copy content leads to your account banned.
Your site content should be in English or any Language which AdSense supports.
Your should follow Google terms & Conditions at any cost & do not cheat Google.
You should have reasonable and quality content.

Your site should appear in search engines and have a handsome Traffic on it.
So guys if you read all basic information about one of the best Earning source over the internet then registered a domain and start your own website or blog and promote for next 6 months and then apply for Google AdSense and Earn Money Online.

The webmaster simply places a special code in their page and Google AdSense takes care of the rest. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the system is that robots (specialized computer programs that scan internet pages) analyzes pages that ads will be placed on to determine which ads are most relevant to the page's content.

The relevancy of ads placed by AdSense varies on all sorts of criteria, but most ads are usually very relevant to the page on which the ad is displayed. For example, the ads on this page should be related to the internet, advertising, and/or the Google AdSense program itself. For more info:


Although Google Adsense Program is the best in the world but It is a big company. Before applying, you must their terms and conditions. Your site or blog must be unique, six months old and must have quality material.



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